Goncu is boutique corporate finance advisory firm
We specialize in mergers and aquisitions (M&A) transactions, business development, corporate restructuring, company and business valuations, IPO readiness assessment and preparation and business plan preparation.
Although our experiences cover a wide range of company and transaction sizes, we prefer to define our focus as mid-market clients across many sectors.
Selling a business is a significant decision since it generally represents years and perhaps generations of hard work and self-sacrifices and should be treated as delicate as it is as it is directly related to well-being of both the shareholders (the owners of the business) and the stakeholders (i.e. employees, suppliers, etc).
As corporate finance advisors with more than 20 years of experience in cross-border M&A transactions, we have developed a systematic approach in advising our sell-side clients through M&A deals. We try and understand the business and the company as detailed and as close as possible before tailoring the strategy to be followed in the process. Once we have a good understanding of the business and the company, we move on to act as a bridge and “translate” the information into the “investor’s language” and design the transaction structure accordingly.
M&A deals are usually very complex transactions involving multiple parties and we don’t generally encounter clients that have sold their business multiple times, therefore educating, and guiding our clients throughout the process is an important part of our advisory work and added value. Based on our experiences, we anticipate and proactively manage possible pitfalls, questions to be raised and other such issues coming from the potential investors. Guiding our clients in terms of the strategy to be followed during the process, ensures a smoother flow.
On the other hand, buying a business is never a lighter decision to make since there are two options embedded: the addition either adds value or destroys value. The primary benefit of using an advisor in a buy side deal is the ability to retain your anonymity and confidentiality is a prerequisite in our job. Throughout the years, we have advised both local and international investors on their acquisitions and we believe to have a distinct edge in terms of target identification, analysis, and valuation. Coordination (and formation is needed) of the related parties is an inseparable part of our advisory work.
We conduct due diligence and offer post-merger integration services if requested.
We help our clients raise equity finance through a wide range of tools including public offerings and private placements. We have good working relationships with several investment banks and we have successfully completed several public offerings in the past. On the other hand, we have been working with several private equity firms for years and we have a good insight of their specialized areas.
With the increasing pace of the technology and competition resulting from globalization, we have positioned ourselves to provide excellent corporate restructuring services. If you wish to divest and sell a part of your company that you no longer see as a core business or spin-off / carve-out a high growth / high risk line in your, company, or with anything in between we will be happy to help you. We are also specialized in the valuation and sales of distressed companies.
If you are ready to move into a new business or planning an international expansion, we may help you through business feasibility studies, market research, target identification and M&A advisory services. We may also help you prepare a business plan and assist you in seeking finance for your project.
Valuation is an essential part of the M&A transactions, and we provide valuation services to all our clients as part of M&A advisory projects. However, a merger or acquisition is not the only case where a valuation is needed as our services are employed by several leading corporations for tax and accounting, forming joint ventures, purchase price allocation, brand valuation and intellectual property valuation purposes as well.
We provide both absolute valuation services such as discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis and relative valuation services such as market multiples and past transactions methods. We are also proficient and experienced in purpose specific valuation techniques.